The holiday season is a goldmine for marketing opportunities, especially for small businesses. It’s a time when consumers are primed to spend, and brands are competing to grab their attention. If you run a small marketing agency, this is your chance to help clients stand out while attracting new customers of your own. To maximize your efforts during the festive period, it’s all about strategic holiday planning, creative campaigns, and exceptional customer service.

Here are five holiday tactics that can help you win new customers and strengthen your relationships with existing clients.

1. Offer a Holiday Discount or Limited-Time Package

Everyone loves a good deal, especially during the holidays when expenses add up. Offering a holiday discount or creating a limited-time service package can be a great way to attract new customers. It’s an effective strategy that makes people feel like they’re getting something special and exclusive.

How to implement this:

Create a holiday-themed package that bundles your services at a special price. For example, you could offer a “Holiday Social Media Blitz” where you manage clients’ social accounts for November and December at a discounted rate.
Offer a percentage off on certain services during a set time frame, like “20% off on website redesigns until New Year’s Eve.”
Promote your deal through email campaigns, social media, and ads with clear deadlines to create urgency.

Customers will feel like they’re getting more bang for their buck, and it’s a great opportunity to show them what you can do.

2. Create Holiday-Themed Content

The holidays offer a wealth of content opportunities. Create holiday-themed blogs, videos, or social media posts that are fun, engaging, and shareable. Content marketing is a powerful tool for boosting your agency’s visibility and showing potential customers your creativity.

How to implement this:

Write a holiday marketing guide with tips and tricks for small businesses.
Create video content showing how holiday campaigns have driven results for your clients in the past.
Share behind-the-scenes holiday activities at your agency to showcase your company culture.
Run a festive-themed social media contest where followers can submit holiday photos or stories for a chance to win a free consultation or service.

This type of content keeps your agency top of mind and provides value to potential clients by demonstrating your expertise.

3. Run a Holiday-Themed Email Campaign

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and turn them into paying customers. People are more receptive to promotional emails during the holidays, especially if they include holiday offers, tips, or gifts.

How to implement this:

Craft a holiday email campaign focusing on festive tips, exclusive discounts, or a countdown to a special deal.
Include engaging visuals, holiday-themed subject lines, and personalization to capture your audience’s attention.
Segment your email list to target specific groups with relevant offers. For example, send special offers to former clients who haven’t worked with you in a while, or to current clients who might want to add on additional services for the holidays.

By offering value through holiday emails, you can encourage prospective clients to engage with your agency and potentially sign up for your services.

4. Partner with Local Businesses for a Holiday Giveaway

Partnering with other local businesses can help expand your reach while building a more substantial presence within the community. A holiday giveaway with complementary businesses is a win-win situation—you get to tap into each other’s customer base while offering something exciting to new potential clients.

How to implement this:

Connect with businesses offering complementary services, such as a web design company, social media influencer, or local retailer.
Create a joint holiday giveaway, offering a free service or package as the grand prize. Promote the giveaway on social media, through email campaigns, and even at local events.
Make sure each business in the partnership promotes the giveaway to their customer base, allowing you to reach a broader audience.

Not only does this increase your exposure, but it’s also a fun and festive way to engage your local community.

5. Host a Free Holiday Marketing Workshop or Webinar

Hosting a holiday-themed workshop or webinar can help showcase your expertise while providing valuable insights to potential clients. People are often looking for guidance on maximizing their holiday marketing efforts, and by positioning yourself as an expert, you’ll naturally attract new customers.

How to implement this:

Offer a free virtual workshop or webinar where you discuss holiday marketing strategies, such as “How to Create a Standout Holiday Campaign” or “Maximizing Your Holiday Ad Spend.”
Promote your event on social media, email, and even website.
During the event, offer actionable tips and advice, and include a call-to-action at the end for attendees to book a free consultation with your agency.

These educational sessions showcase your knowledge and build trust with potential customers. By providing real value upfront, attendees are more likely to contact you when they need marketing services.

Bonus Tip: Send Personalized Holiday Cards or Gifts

The holidays are a time for connection; nothing shows appreciation more than a personalized holiday card or small gift. This simple yet thoughtful gesture can strengthen relationships with both new leads and current clients.

How to implement this:

Send a personalized holiday card thanking your clients for their business and offering them a discount on future services.
If you want to go the extra mile, send a small holiday gift, like a branded mug or notebook, to your top clients or new prospects.
Include a handwritten note for a personal touch, which can leave a lasting impression.

This warm, personal approach will help set your agency apart and ensure that clients remember you long after the holiday season.

Get New Holiday Customers With INLocal Marketing

The holiday season is a perfect time for your marketing agency to attract new customers and nurture existing relationships. Whether you’re offering exclusive deals, creating festive content, or hosting a free workshop, there are many ways to engage and grow your client base. By leveraging the holiday spirit and offering value to your customers, you can position your agency as the go-to resource for their marketing needs. We are here to help! Contact us through our INLocal Marketing website today.